O USOpen 2011 começa amanhã e eu recebi hoje no Facebook um update a dizer: Sign up and play the US Open Tennis Championships Bracket Challenge presented by Xerox!!! You can now create both public and private groups, as well as challenge your friends. Play Now!.Que oferece nada mais nada menos que um bilhete para o USOpen 2012 (era lindo!!).
Infelizmente não sou elegível (The Contest is open to legal residents of the forty-eight (48) contiguous United States e blá, blá, blá) mas ainda assim fiz o meu quadro em US Open Bracket Challenge presented by Xerox
Os pontos contam assim:
SCORING Points are awarded for each correct winning selection. The number of points awarded increases as the US Open progresses as follows:
•one (1) point for each correct pick in the first round
•two (2) points for each correct pick in the second round
•three (3) points for each correct pick in the third round
•four (4) points for each correct pick in the fourth round
•eight (8) points for each correct pick in the fifth round
•sixteen (16) points for each correct pick in the sixth round
•thirty-two (32) points for each correct pick in the seventh round
•zero (0) points for each incorrect pick
e a partir de amanhã é sempre a contar.